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7ML5747-2AA13-1BD0-Z 西门子音叉液位开关LVL200

2020/1/14 13:29:33发布208次查看
sitrans lvl200,带 管道延长: 紧凑型振动 限位开关用于 在液体中使用 用作溢流保护和 干燥运行保护, 以及用作满物位、需求物位 和空物位报警器。 在 sil2 中使用和 适用于防爆应用。
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商品编号(市售编号) 7ml5747-2aa13-1bd0-z
产品说明 sitrans lvl200,带 管道延长: 紧凑型振动 限位开关用于 在液体中使用 用作溢流保护和 干燥运行保护, 以及用作满物位、需求物位 和空物位报警器。 在 sil2 中使用和 适用于防爆应用。
产品家族 sitrans lvl200
产品生命周期 (plm) pm300:有效产品
价格组 / 总部价格组 8lo
金属系数 无
出口管制规定 al : n / eccn : n
工厂生产时间 7 天
净重 (kg) 2.000 kg
产品尺寸 (w x l x h) 未提供
包装尺寸 未提供
包装尺寸单位的测量 未提供
数量单位 1 件
包装数量 1
ean 未提供
upc 未提供
商品代码 90261029
lkz_fdb/ catalogid fi01-4
产品组 4723
原产国 德国
limit switch 275573-100066 lvl-a7-ag1a-wapu-cg.ems (30vdc,200ma(l-21 sl no2)(for various indstrl manufacturs & consumers
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he1532 human assayed multi-sera lvl 3 20x5ml (diagnostic reagents) ( 200 kit = 200 set )
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7ml5747-4ec72-4bb0-z sitrans lvl200 rigid extension: rigid extended vibrating level switch for use inliquids and liquied
human assayed multi-sera lvl 3 20x5ml (diagnostic reagents)( 200 kits )
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7ml1510-3ja02 pointek uls200, ultrasonic switch detects two distinct levels on liquids (duty under protest:f/n s/3 gen-1
7ml1510-3je02 pointek uls200, ultrasonic seitch detects two distinct levels on liquids,
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7ml1510-1je02 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch with two switch points for level detection of bulk
7ml1510-1le04 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch with two switch points for level
7ml1510-3je02 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic switch detects two distinct levels on liquids
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7ml1510-1je02 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch (level switch)
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7ml1510-3je02 pointek uls200, ultrasonic switch detects two distinct levels on liquids
7ml1510-1ke02 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch
7ml1510-3je02 pointek uls200, ultrasonics switch detects two distinct level
7ml1510-3je02 pointek uls200, ultrasonic switch detects
7ml1510-1je02 pointek uls 200 measuring and checking apparatus switch
7ml1510-3ja02 pointek uls200, ultrasonic switch detects
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7ml1510-1je02 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch with two switch points (level switch)
7ml1510-3je04 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch (level switch)
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7ml1510-3ke02 pointek uls 200 ultrasonic non-contacting switch
7ml1510-1ke02-z pointek uls 200 ultasonic non contacting switch with two switch points for level detector of bulk solids
7ml1510-1ke02-z pointek uls 200 ultasonic non catacting switch with two switch points for level detector of bulk solids
7ml1510-3ja02 pointek uls200, ultrasonic switch detects level
相关产品:7ml5747 , 7ml5746 , lvl200



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