整琴进口 手工制造
hand-made imported pianos
made in czech republic
the czech republicis a developed capitalist countries, in 2006 by the world bank in developedcountries.have very high levels of human development index, is a member of theeuropean union and nato.craftsmanship, unique special meticulous in czechrepublic and europe for piano manufacturing \spirit\, making it agerman man piano new origin.except that consistent use of europe's topadvantageous czech manual assembly technology and process, become the czech strongadvantage of original piano!
the footprints ofneugerman piano have been covering in european market for a long time. thefamily of the fifth generation expected highly to the rise of asian musicculture, therefore, they relocated part of the technical process into malaysia,set up production line in malaysia, and built independent equipment products tosupply to the strong asian market. malaysia has rich forest resources, andhigh-quality wood is just the material for neugerman piano. all the woodsselected by neugerman piano are precisely treated via modern process to enablethe wood to have super-strong stability, moreover, the complex procedures likestrict soaking, natural withering, torrefying, etc. are carried out beforeprocessing to enable the tones of neugerman piano to be particularly stableunder changeable climate and environment.
after thelong-time baptism, neugerman piano company has become the most influentialpiano manufacturer in germany. while neugerman still keeps inheriting germanyprocess, it means that the processes from selection of raw material, tocomponent processing, improvement of production technology, and to the finalassembly are completed in foreign countries. with the expansion of malaysiaproduction base, the newly planned neugerman piano industrial zone has confidenceto product high-quality piano products via comprehensively absorbing theexcellent technologies of germany neugerman piano matched with good woodquality of malaysia, so as to open bright prospects for the piano market inasia.
the metal frame ofa piano needs to take the strong tension from the strings which may be up to 20tons when it reaches 440 hz. it’s right upon the pre-capped soundboard firmlyadhered with the allow. the circular fastening bars or red beech wood ironframework are strictly installed according to the curvature of the soundboardto properly fasten the iron plate. such design allows the string vibrations ofall spectrums to be freely amplified by the soundboard and not absorbed by itsheavy components. this system further ensures that string vibrations are morecompletely transmitted without any interference and tone loss. the inner enclosureframe is composed of 18 layers of hardwood plywood. when it’s connected withthe outer enclosure frame, a grand piano needs 28 layers of hardwood plywood.taking in the tension from strings, the steel plates must be firmly connectedwith the inner enclosure frame structurally. therefore, they need to have anattractive and timeless design, and affect the sound effect of the musicalinstrument. all steel plates are installed indoor. hence, multiple controlmeasures must be taken to ensure the precision of some 600 hand-made drillholes for the installation of spikes, pins and screw bolts.